Author Archives: FauquierPHP
People Helping People of Fauquier County
Hosted this year on Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 by Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Give Local Piedmont (GLP) is the community’s one-day, online giving event to inspire people to give generously to the nonprofit organizations that are making our region stronger. It’s our day to come together as one!
There are two ways you can contribute to this campaign to support People Helping People.
1) Pay by check beginning 30 April, 2024. Checks must be received by NPCF on or before May 4 to be included in the grand total donations for PHP. Make checks payable to NPCF. Write Fauquier People Helping People in the memo line.
Mail checks to:
P.O. Box 182
Warrenton, VA 20188
2) Pledge online by clicking the Give Local logo above or clicking below:
There are special prizes awarded to organizations receiving the most individual pledges, Early Bird Challenge, Power Hours, Golden Tickets, Grassroots Prizes. Prizes range from $500 to $1,500. Only one prize per organization.
Power Hours
Noon-1:00p.m. Lunch Special Hour
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. TV Dinner Hour
11:00 p.m. – Midnight Night Owl Power Hour
Every dollar that is donated from midnight to midnight on Tuesday, May 5th is increased with additional “bonus” dollars ($100,000!) generously provided by the PATH Foundation and prize dollars ($30,000!) generously donated from our local businesses and Northern Piedmont fund holders.
Recent Donations
A $75,000 grant from the PATH Foundation. (Covid resilience Grant)
The PATH foundation is committed to taking action to improve health and wellness on a broad scale in Fauquier, Rappahannock and Northern Culpeper Counties. Thank you for this generous gift to the Fauquier community.
A $2,500 grant from the Rodgers Family Foundation.
A $6,000 grant from the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation Emergency Response Fund.
To help nonprofits meet the increasing or changing needs in our community, the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation has established a new Emergency Response Fund. This quick response program will facilitate community giving through a pooled fund, which accepts individual donations and distributes them as grants to local nonprofits in need of extra financial support due to the pandemic.
Who are we?
People Helping People provides emergency financial assistance to families and individuals in Fauquier County, Virginia.
PHP has been providing this important service to the community for over 25 years.
PHP is very grateful for all grants and donations which enable us to serve the needy in the community.
Need Assistance?
If you are in need of assistance from Fauquier People Helping People please call our office at (540) 349-9017 to schedule an appointment. All assistance requires an in-person appointment. Office Hours are Monday-Thursday from 9:00am – 12:00pm
How to Donate
PHP receives funds from local churches, private citizens, local businesses, and grants from organizations including Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Rappahannock Electric Cooporative, and the Springman Family Foundation.